Sunday, June 9, 2013

FUN BATANGAS PART 1:Amansinaya Mountain Resort

This is another deal we got from Metrodeal, a day tour at Amansinaya Mountain Resort with free Zipline, Mountain climbing , Mudslide and guided tour to Ambon-ambon Falls.So, with 7 of my friends,we set-off to Batangas.

We started at 5 in the morning and took C5 road-SLEX and then Sta. Rosa-Tagaytay Road. When you reached the Tagaytay Rotonda, go down the Talisay Road. You won't miss it, it will be flocked by men offering boat to Taal Lake and boy... they are persistent, they will even follow you down the Talisay Road with a motorcycle. The Talisay Road is quite steep with so many curves (well, just look at google map, it's quite accurate), so if your not a skilled driver or even if you are - be careful. After about 30 min, you will exit to Talisay-Tanauan Road (take time to see the Taal Lake up close and personal-i'd prefer an overlooking taal than up close but it's just me) then turn right. After 20 mins you'll reach the Laurel Municipal hall, there will be a sign of Amansinaya to the right and it will be easy from there on.
Patio Filipino

Finally, we're at Amansinaya at 9 in the morning, average travel time from manila is 3 hrs. First stop was the Pugadlawin, where the team building activities are. Next stop is the Patio Filipino where the reception, restaurant and a mini pool at the back overlooking the Ambon-Ambon Falls. The last was the Aqua Park where you can really swim. The distance from station to station is a good 10-15 mins walk so you'll need your car but they have a service which can get you from one place to another. We're late for the first trek to the falls so we opted to go for the 1pm sked. We took an early lunch, well according to their website a corkage fee will be charge, depending on the number of person, if you bring food inside. They don't really check the car, so we brought food inside and find a secluded place under a bamboo tree and guava tree to park the car and eat -yey! and trees there are blooming with fruits, so you know, fruits are healthy with a meal hehe (just don't get yourself be caught ok...)

Next stop.... zipline. The zipline is a short ride, going up the stairs takes longer than the slide to the zipline but if its unlimited - well, its definitely fine. I also tried the wall climbing, finished about two-thirds which is a good  15 feet. Haven't tried the mudslide, i think it's fun i just don't feel like doing it that day. We then spend a good time in the Aqua Park then headed back to Patio Filipino for the trek to the falls.
Pugadlawin - where the team building activities, zipline, wall climbing and mudslide are located

The trek was about 30-45 mins, you need to hop in their shuttle service which will take you to the starting point outside the resort. If Amansinaya really is making the trek one of their feature activities, i suggest that they put some budget in paving the road up until the bridge - that will save guest a good 15 minutes of walk time and a whole lot of dust (seriously, its like a sandstorm up there every time motorbikes passed by). And i know that Ambon-Ambon Falls is not a private property but i hope someone someday could manage to maintain and clean the road to the Falls- and maybe a cable or zipline from the resort to the falls? Hehe, just an idea. Because if you're walking for 45 minutes and crossing four rivers (don't worry, its a small river), then what you passed by are litter and people having videoke and drinking session - it's a bit discouraging. I think the Falls is worth it but will i make the trek again? Maybe not, i always want to try something new but i'm not really a fan of walking so that explains it.

The way to the Falls
THE FALLS: the falls is so high that the water at top drizzle like raindrops but the current below is so strong but you can have a water massage if your careful. The water is also refreshing.
There are many people when we are at the falls, most are from the residents of the area. It's best if you do the trek in the morning. We arrived back at the resort past 3:00 pm. We quickly change and head out since we have an accommodation at A.Santos in Lemery, Batangas. If you're not staying for the night at Amansinaya better head out while there is light coz you know, the road is not safe at night. This time we took the Agoncillo Road and we were off to our next destination.

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