Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Book Review: Clarity by Kim Harrington

Clarity "Clare" Fern comes from a long line of psychics. She receives a vision from objects she touches, her mother's a telepath and her brother's a medium. They run a "psychic readings" business in a tourist town of Easport in Cape Cod. Clare is nursing a broken heart from the Mayor's son when the murder of a tourist girl happens and so is the arrival of a Detective from New York and his gorgeous son. And so the mystery begins...

I like Clare, the author created a sensitive, strong and funny protagonist. Clare is such a normal teenager with a paranormal abilitites. She reacts to things, from her family to her crush and to her ex-boyfriend, like a normal girl. Although, i would say that her reactions to her ex-boyfriend cheating - once and unaware - is over the top, her ability would be really hard for her lovelife haha.

The story moves at a quick pace- solving the mystery, catching the killer, protecting family and conflicting issues of the heart is interweave in the story beautifully - no dull moments. But i would say that the author is reeling more to the suspense side of the story that there are so many suspect that she tries to inflict on the mind of the readers. I was like, he's the killer.. oh he's not he is... oh he's not again... and i was like, c'mon obviously they're decoys. You'll never know till the end but you can already guess before it happens, even before Clare realizes it. The two love interest, Gabriel the detective's son and Justin the Mayor's son, both are not perfect but with different qualities and apparently with different motive which will be explore in the sequel "Perception". Im rooting for Justin.

The book is a easy, enjoyable, quick read. I will be waiting for the next book.

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