Monday, February 13, 2012

Book Review: Jenny Pox by J.L. Bryan

This book was underrated when it came out, so i was hesitant to read it at first but now finally i did. I wouldn't recommend it for young teens, though there is no extensive and explicit theme of sexuality but few parts involving sexuality, i would say, are graphic.

It's about a girl named Jenny "Pox" Morton in Fallen Oak, South Carolina who can spread a disease/plague - with all the blisters, skin tear, ooze, blood, fuss, you name it - like a virus with just a touch, any part of her skin. Her mother was the first one infected while giving birth to her and the doctors, so she was raised alone by her father and his number rule "don't touch anybody" - that kind of rough specially for a young girl. She manage to go to school by wearing gloves, long sleeve and avoiding everybody but there will always be a mean girl by the name of Asleigh Goodling, like really mean, its ironic for her surname to be Goodling and a preacher's daughter but wielded a dangerous power of her own. And of course, there will always be the one who Jenny can touch - how good is that if she can't touch anybody - that goes by the name of Seth Barret. Seth was Jenny's opposite - well, you can guess what her opposite can do- he is handsome and rich, like every townfolks owed their family because of their bank. As the author described - Jenny is a pretty girl herself, actually she looked like the girl in the cover. Seth is also the boyfriend of Asleigh but Seth and Jenny had something blooming and beautiful relationship of their own, so they have one very pissed ex-girlfriend but they have to focus on a more dangerous problem which might require using her "Jenny Pox" to survive.

Jenny is one tough girl, enduring all the bullying in school and being alone with her pottery at home as her hobby and part time income. And of course, rocky the three-legged dog who will play a very important role. She stays committed to what her father thought her and not hurting anybody with that dangerous power or curse as she might call it.

The author uses many and fast shifting point of view but mainly focus on Jenny and Asleigh. The shifting perspective is like watching a TV Series, i don't mind but sometimes its confusing like when i was in engrossed Jenny's perspective and then it will shift. I can't decide if this novel is unpredictable or just has a broad concept or storyline because at first, i dont know where the story is going - there is so much stuff going on and there's so many characters. However, in the last part, you will discover the main story.

This is not an easy and light read, this is tough but a good one. Anybody who love paranormal, suspense and a hint of romance will like this. I think this is a trilogy so watch out for Tommy's Nightmare and Alexander Death, i'm sure you can guess what the others' power are.

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