Thursday, February 9, 2012

Book Review: The Pledge by Kimberly Derting

In the violent country of Ludania, the language you speak determines what class you are, and there are harsh punishments if you forget your place—looking a member of a higher class in the eye can result in immediate execution. Seventeen-year-old Charlaina (Charlie for short) can understand all languages, a dangerous ability she’s been hiding her whole life. Her only place of release is the drug-filled underground club scene, where people go to shake off the oppressive rules of the world they live in. There, she meets a beautiful and mysterious boy who speaks a language she’s never heard, and her secret is almost exposed. Through a series of violent upheavals, it becomes clear that Charlie herself is the key to forcing out the oppressive power structure of her kingdom…. (source: Amazon)
What i like about this book was it was kind of original or maybe not but the idea is great. One would think that a story with language barriers, not just with words but also in tone, would be hard to execute but Derting did it properly - i wonder if this become a movie, because its becoming a trend, how are they gonna go with that. I like the alternating perspective or point of view when its done properly and Derting did a good job. The prologue is very strong and there are subtle moments in the book, it's like when you came to an understanding later in the book and you're like "how could i miss it, it was mentioned earlier."
Charlie is very tough for a teenager having that ability and hid it while living in the society they are in. She is also amazingly smart, makes the right decision at the right time and makes poor decision at the right - ha! that's confusing, right? Then there was Max, there was so much mention of his eyes, they have a love at first sight romance then build a little and then bloom quickly. The story does not really focus on the romance but there was enough of it, which is good because this is a dystopian/fantasy novel and too much romance would spoil a great concept.
I like all the characters, i think all the characters are important, there is no one put there just to annoy you and just add up to make a 500 page book.  I specially like Charlie's sister Angelina, the relationship between them is so pure and touching. Xander intrigues me, i hope to know more of him in the next book.
I really like this book and looking forward for the next one. The ending is complete and can be a stand alone novel, there are vague details at the end but i guess that's to build up the next book and there are new questions left on the reader's mind but most old questions are answered.

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